Thursday, December 11, 2008
211th Aviation Batalion Christmas Party
The kids got to see Santa, climb a rock wall, get balloon animals from a clown, and play Pin the Nose on Rudolph. We got to spend time with friends and eat food, and have yummy cookies. And someone tried to climb through a vent in the hangar door...
Alphabet Tag
B--Best Friend: Big J & MJ
C--Cake or Pie: Cake, chocolate cake
D--Day of Choice: Sunday, get to spend it with the fam
E--Essential Item: Shower
F--Favorite Color: Yellow
G--Greatest Accomplishment: Being a wife for the past 11 years and a mom for 10
H--Hometown: Eagle Mountain, UT
I--Indulgences: sweets
J--January or July: July, I prefer the summer
K--Kids: 4... Little J, B, Little S, and Little Miss SJ
L--Life is incomplete without: My husband and I guess the kids too
M--Marriage Date: November 26, 1997
N--Number of Siblings: 1 full brother, 5 half brothers, 1 step brother, and a step sister... plus my adopted family of two sisters and two brothers
O--Oranges or Apples: Apples and oranges with raisins and walnuts
P--Phobias or fears: Losing Big J
Q--Quotes: "Happiness is a cconsequence" -Unknown
R--Reason to Smile: My kids
S--Season: Spring, love to watch all the flowers bloom
T--Tag 5 Friends: C Horne, J San Nicolas, E Bingham, A Smith, M n B Bettilyon
U--Unknown facts about me: All of my kids are named for people who have influenced our lives
V--Very favorite store: Old Navy
W--Worst habit: Being a clutter queen
X--X-ray or Ultra Sound: Ultrasound, I'm not usually in pain when I get one of those
Y--Your favorite food: Italian
Z--Zodiac: Aries
Monday, November 10, 2008
Saying "Good Bye" again...
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Introducing Little Miss SJ
After getting the epidural my memory gets a little sketchy, I was pretty heavily drugged at that point. I do remember being in a lot of pain and the anesthesiologist had to come in a few more times to give me extra shots. My best friend MJ and Big J were there with me and helping me through the pain. I know that I dilated quickly and was soon telling the nurses that I needed to push. The nurses told me not to push, saying I was only dilated to a 9 and needed to be a 10 so that everything would go more smoothly. Finally one of them checked me again and said I was a 10, and then they discussed for a few minutes as to who should call the doctor. All the while I am trying not to push, but my body very much wanted to push.
Friday, October 17, 2008
We have a new deck
It took two nights to build and I was only able to get pictures of one night of work.
While the men were building the deck the young men were staining my fence the approved HOA color.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Baby Shower
So my bestest friend MJ threw a baby shower for me with the help of some other M friends. There were pink balloons EVERYWHERE. It was so so so much fun.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Tunnel of Fudge Cake
Look at the yummy fudge in the middle...
Friday, September 5, 2008
Human Slinkey?
I somehow managed to change S's diaper and get Little J and B out the door to school. I then called my friend/neighbor over to help me. I was in so much pain I couldn't think straight so I needed her to help me figure out what to do. I sent a quick email to J letting him know, just in case I had to contact him later through the American Red Cross, I didn't want him freaking out.
My friend discovered that one of our other neighbors was heading to the hospital in Provo (this hospital has a really good NICU just in case there was something wrong with the baby). We got to the ER about 10:15 AM and was finally seen about 11:30 AM. They gave me some percocet (sp?) at noon and I got an x-ray about 12:45 PM. They came in and told me nothing was broken and splinted my ankle about 1:30 PM. Somewhere in there they used a Doppler to listen to the baby's heart beat, and pronounced her fine since the heart rate was about 140 per min. I put in a call to my OB to see if he thought I should go to Labor and Delivery to double check. She was moving a lot and I didn't have any cramping or bleeding, but I was having contractions, and I couldn't be 100% sure I didn't bump my belly in the fall. My Dr told me to go to Labor and Delivery after the ER discharged me and he ordered a non-stress test as well as an ultra sound.
I made it to Labor and Delivery at about 2:00 PM and was feeling quite loopy, but could still feel the pain in my ankle. The started the non-stress test and were concerned that she wasn't moving a whole lot and her heart rate was a little lower. I told them that the ER gave me meds so they scheduled my ultra sound and decided to do the non-stress test while we waited for my turn for the ultra sound.
By the time I got to have my ultra sound (about 3:00 PM) the drugs were starting to wear off. The technician said everything looked good and gave me a few pictures from the ultrasound. Then another person came in reviewed what she had done and looked at some other things to determine that there wasn't a big tear or bleeding in or around the uterus. They called my DR and told him what they found. My Dr then ordered a 4 hour non-stress test. This test started about 3:30 PM and I wasn't actually released until about 8:15 PM with my Dr, the nurses and myself confident that all was OK. I didn't get home until almost 9:30 PM and was completely exhausted. I wasn't able to sleep when I was in the hospital because I was in pain the the beds were so uncomfortable.
I don't have any pictures of my ankle, but here are the pictures I received from the ultra sound.

This is a profile shot of her face.
Another profile.
Her sweet little foot!