Sorry it has taken me two weeks to get B's birthday up... We have been busy, I have been tired and let's be honest a little lazy.
We had an outside party. I love summer birthdays for that very reason. I don't have to have the kids inside my house, they can be outside and not thrashing my house. The kids played in the little pool, the sprinkler, and with squirt guns and squirt bottles. They had so much fun. I sat in a camping chair and got sunburned while they all had a blast.

Filling up the squirt guns in the pool.
This is B and his Bestest Friend in the whole world Z. They were warming up by laying on the warm cement.

Some of the kids waiting for the cup cakes and ice cream sandwhiches. S runnimg back to the pool because he loves water!

I am passing out the cup cakes after B made his wish (the wind blew out his candle).
B had so much fun and really enjoyed having a water part for his birthday. It was a nice warm day too. We had had 50 degree temps earlier in the week so I was worried it was going to be cold and I would have to figure something else out for the kids, but it all worked out and they all had fun!