The older two boys decided to play a game of chess...

And S. decided my camera was something fun to play with... So, while the boys were playing chess, I was teaching S to say "cheese!" Which he did about every other minute. He would walk over to me and say "cheese" so I would take his picture. I think his motive was for me to turn on the camera so he could try to take it from me.

The boys had to defend the chess board from S a few times.
After about ten minutes of playing Little J had B in checkmate.

B is still learning the game, for the most part he knows what pieces move where but firmly believes that if you take one of his pieces, you should let him take one of yours. I had to explain that isn't the way the game works.
They had fun playing and I got some cute pictures, or should I say proof they actually can play nicely together...